N Profile


Career Objective

The ultimate IT professional, balanced and capable in all the aspects of a full life-cycle development at the highest industry level in either Project/Team Leader, Senior Developer or Consultant role

A Personal Profile

People are often impressed with my work, be it a big task or small, IT-related or not. For me, if something is worth doing, it is worth doing it right. I am my biggest critic. If circumstances permit, I won't stop until I'm reasonably satisfied. My profile:

  • Strong IT professional with about twenty-eight years of experience working on various stages of a project's full life cycle development, such as analysis, design and development, maintenance or customer support
  • Balanced skill-set with considerable database background and more than capable of front-end, back-end, web, reporting or batch development. Versatile, very quick to grasp new concepts and technologies. Highly skilled at using the Internet for any work-related task
  • Highly reliable, routinely entrusted to perform project-critical tasks. Will go an extra mile to get things done, while keeping everybody involved well informed at all times
  • Fully independent and team-spirit oriented at the same time, with friendly and supportive attitude well accepted by the colleagues and clients alike. Always with positive outlook and thriving on diversity
  • A strong character driven by values and principles, well balanced with above-average versatility and self-determination. Out of the box thinker, systematically considering both sides and looking for the big picture
  • Always with initiative to research and improve, whether it is IT skills, general/academic knowledge or physical capabilities

B Education

Masters Degree in Computer
Science and Informatics
(1989 - 1995)

Technical University of Košice,
Slovak Republic

@ Personal Info

Slovak (EU), Canadian
- Military History (wide spectrum covered, from political, logistic, to technical and personal perspectives)
- Martial Arts (I have been doing Aikido for 20+ years)
- Travel
- Construction (always building something, from models to house renovations)
- Techno Music