1 Previous Experience

Role: Senior Developer / Contractor
Client: PBC Solutions and Ministry of Health, Victoria, BC
  • Application and database developer for various projects
  • Lead BI Publisher developer
  • Stress testing developed applications, from initial definitions, front end, through middle tier, to the back end
  • Data mining for the Ministry
  • Troubleshooting existing and evaluating new solutions
  • Creating and maintaining ETL and batch applications
Technology: SQL, PL/SQL, BI Publisher, Oracle Data Integrator, PowerDesigner, Oracle APEX, Postman, SoapUI, cURL, Oracle OID, Shell, JMeter, Java, Python, Perl, Git, BitBucket, StarTeam, Bamboo, Jenkins
Role: Part time OBIEE DBA / Contractor
Client: Nova Scotia Power, Halifax, NS (remote)
  • The only OBIEE DBA on site
  • Responsible for the administration of BI components (ODI, DB, OBIEE)
  • Installation of Oracle PSU patches
  • Day to day DBA activities
Technology: SQL, Oracle Data Integrator, OBIEE, WebLogic, Putty, Confluence, MS Teams, Cisco VPN
Role: Senior Developer / Conversion Specialist / Contractor
Client: Ministry of Education, Victoria, BC
  • Primary conversion and data remediation specialist for Aspen Student Information System, adopted by BC Ministry of Education (MyEducation BC)
  • In charge of converting data from all legacy systems to the new one for the whole province. Responsible for technical implementation and primary resource for running the conversion
  • Developed code in SQL and Java. Target environment: SQL Server and J2EE; legacy environments: MySQL, Oracle
Technology: SQL, Java, T-SQL, PL/SQL, SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, MS SQL Server Management Studio, MySQL Workbench, SQL Developer, SQL*Plus, Eclipse, Notepad++, SVN, Cygwin
Role: Senior Developer / Contractor
Client: Corporate Accounting Services, Ministry of Technology, Innovation and Citizens' Services, Victoria, BC
  • CAS EBS R12 Upgrade project
  • Primarily modified existing Data Warehouse; also worked on Oracle E-Business Suite reports and performed project upgrade related tasks such as peer review or system testing
Technology: Oracle (11g), PL/SQL, Toad, SQL*Plus, Oracle Reports, Designer, SharePoint
Role: Independent Contractor / Consultant / Principal
Client: IT Freelancer, denisklein.com, Binary Milestone Technology Inc., Victoria, BC
  • Developed specialized data mining algorithms
  • Designed and developed a small business CRM applications based on PHP and JEE
  • Built personal and commercial websites with a capability to engage the visitors
  • IT Support for general public. Handling various IT needs - reinstalling Operational systems, configuring routers, firewalls, printers, installing commercial software, restoring data, introducing backup solutions and so on
  • On-going research and development of new products and services
Technology: Python, HTML, CSS, Javascript, jQuery, PHP, Java/JEE (6), EJB, JPA, Hibernate, JSF, JSP, Servlets, MBeans, JTA, JMS, WSDL, JAX-WS, JAX-RS, Oracle, MySQL, Derby, SQL, PL/SQL, XML, JSON, GlassFish, Tomcat, Apache, Ant, Maven, Eclipse, NetBeans, SQL*Plus, SQL Developer, cURL, VirtualBox, yEd
Role: Technical Advisor / Contractor
  • Analyzed and documented the existing CRM application based on PHP, MySQL and Shell (ETL) with focus on future redesign
  • Limited customer support
Technology: PHP, MySQL, Shell (LAMP)
Role: Senior Developer / Contractor
  • Being the only database developer for the client, who is in the business of keeping database records (primarily on Oracle databases)
  • Provided ongoing customer support for the client; performed data mining and data warehousing for the business analysts and the management
  • Behind a number of projects and modules, ranging from technical (such as ETL data migration between incompatible data sources, or sending emails from a database) to client specific (such as dissolving corporations). Many projects (like those listed above) designed from scratch. Both Agile and Scrum methodologies have been used, depending on the project
  • Responsible for all reports, implemented on various platforms. Report generation and handling has to meet strict legal requirements. Responsible for overall design and implementation
  • Overseeing all batch processes in non-legacy databases. Responsible for overall design and implementation
Technology: Oracle (9i - 11g), DB2, SQL, PL/SQL, SQL Developer, DBVisualizer, Toad, Java, XML, XSLT, JasperReports, Oracle Reports, Jreport, Fop/Xalan, SVN, CVS, PuTTY, VPN, Core FTP, SQL Loader, Windows Virtual PC, MS Visio, MS Windows, Linux, Shell
Role: Application Developer / Contractor
Client: Ministry of Health, Victoria, BC
  • Joined a team of IBM consultants working for the Ministry of Health; used Agile methodology to develop a new on-line application for keeping track of patients with heart conditions
  • Responsible for all report and graph outputs based on Oracle products. Role included design, database logic (views, procedures), implementation and testing (full life cycle development)
Technology: Oracle 8i, SQL, PL/SQL, SQL*Plus, Toad, Oracle Reports, Oracle Graphics, PuTTY, MS Windows, Linux
Role: Application Developer / Contractor
  • Designed and developed new, and enhanced existing business applications (including related tables, queries, forms and reports) built on a MS Access database
  • Designed ETL data export / import process between new and existing applications
Technology: MS Access, VB, SQL
Role: Technical Advisor / Contractor
  • Analyzed and designed a data migration process for a web portal serving a number of websites
Technology: Java, JSP, Servlets, HTML
Role: Database and Web Developer / Consultant
Client: PC Ontario Fund, fundraising division of Ontario PC Party
(governing political party in Ontario at that time), Toronto, ON
  • Designed, programmed and implemented new applications built on Oracle database using Oracle Developer Suite, ASP and VB in CRM environment
  • Customer support for the client
  • Order Entry project: Responsible for creation and development of an entire project. Designed and programmed forms, web screens and reports for all the aspects of entering, manipulating and processing orders (donations; a main source of income) within PC Ontario Fund
  • Cornerstone Club application (Cornerstone Club is an association of VIP members within Ontario PC Party): Redesigned the existing application. Redefined the club membership rules due to the redesign. Modified the existing data into a new table design (ETL), generated new data from a secondary source. Created all administration related forms and reports
Technology: Oracle 8i, Oracle Forms, Oracle Reports, SQL, PL/SQL, Toad, SQL*Plus, SQL Loader, ASP, VBScript, HTML, Javascript, CSS, IIS 5, MS SourceSafe, VB, Visual InterDev 6, SQL Server, Crystal Reports
Role: Application Developer / Consultant
  • Developed financial software (GL, AP, AR, JC, FA, Payroll and others) using Oracle products (Forms, Reports, PL/SQL)
  • Customer support for clients in Canada, USA and Slovakia
  • Developer 2000 Conversion: Led a team of on-site programmers converting all company business applications into new Oracle Developer 2000 suite
  • Slovak Telecom, a major telecommunication company in Slovakia: Worked 6 months on the client site in Slovakia. Responsible for all the outputs from implemented financial modules (GL, AP, AR, JC) - including reports and form queries. Provided customer support for implemented applications
  • Timesheet Subsystem: Designed and programmed an on site application for evidence and export of employee timesheets from company detached department of 50 employees abroad. Responsible for the design, implementation (ETL) and generation of all related outputs
  • Payroll Application: Responsible for the creation and maintenance of all reports, including related launch forms, views and stored database objects (triggers, procedures, functions)
Technology: Oracle (7 - 8i), SQL, PL/SQL, Oracle Forms, Oracle Reports, SQL*Plus, Designer 2000, JDeveloper, Toad, SQL Loader, PVCS, MS SourceSafe
Role: Programmer / Analyst / Systems Support
  • Designed and programmed custom applications using C/C++ and MS FoxPro
  • Data and software maintenance for designated sanatorium departments
  • Provided guidance and training to sanatorium staff in custom software (such as financial and administration applications as well as programs for operating specific medical devices)
  • Medical Insurance: Designed and programmed a credit rating application for one medical department to enter and store all performed medical procedures. Generated industry-standard export files (ETL) and reports for medical insurance companies
  • Maintenance Department: Designed and programmed applications related to the maintenance of the sanatorium
  • Library: Coded an application for keeping track of all the books in the sanatorium library
Technology: Borland C++, FoxPro, DOS Batch