G Skills

Technologies come and go. In today's world, the ability to utilize the Internet for work is quickly becoming equally important to the years of actual working experience. The first time I have used the Internet was in year 1991. I've been using Google Search since year 2000, just a few months after its launch. Online tutorials and code examples have become essential every time I tackled a new technology. Over the years I have learnt with the help of the Internet to achieve a professional level in any technology needed for the job, always in a significantly less time than what it would normally take.

My strong ability to utilize the Internet is one of my best skills I can offer.

3 IT

Languages SQL, PL/SQL, Python, Perl, Java, T-SQL, PHP, VB, C/C++, Shell, Assembler, Pascal, Basic
IDE Notepad++, Visual Studio Code, SQL Developer, SQL*Plus, Oracle Data Integrator, PowerDesigner, PyCharm, Eclipse, SQL Server Management Studio, MySQL Workbench, Toad, DBVisualizer, JDeveloper 10g, Oracle Forms, Oracle Designer, Visual InterDev 6, Borland C++
Web DevelopmentDeve- lopment HTML, CSS, Javascript, Angular, Bootstrap, PHP, JEE (EJB, JPA, Hibernate), JSF (Mojarra), JSP, Servlets, jQuery, ASP, VBScript, XSLT
Web Related Postman, SoapUI, cURL, Oracle OID, Oracle APEX
Servers WebLogic, GlassFish V3, Tomcat, OC4J, Apache, IIS 5
Databases Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, Derby, DB2, MS Access, FoxPro
Reporting BI Publisher, JasperReports, Oracle Reports, Crystal Reports, Jreport, Fop/Xalan, Oracle Graphics
Source Code Git, BitBucket, Bamboo, Jenkins, StarTeam, SVN, CVS, PVCS, MS SourceSafe, NPM, Ant, Maven
Office Related Jira, Confluence, CA SDM, MS Office, MS Visio
Other PuTTY, SQL Loader, OBIEE, JMeter, XML, JSON, VPN, VMware, JDBC, Cygwin, VirtualBox, Windows Virtual PC, yEd, GIMP, SketchUp
Operating Systems Linux, MS Windows, UNIX, MS DOS

Advanced - skilled above the level needed for intended use
Experienced - capable of performing at the professional level
Used - utilized to the level to meet requirements or used as needed

ß Spoken Languages

Language Level Usage Comment
English Fluent Actively I use English on daily basis. It has been my primary means of communication for a number of years by now
Slovak Fluent Actively First Language
Czech Fluent Passively Being born and raised in Czecho-Slovakia, due to the historical reasons to this day I have read more books in Czech than in my native Slovak language
Russian Advanced Passively Studied Russian language extensively for 8 years. I haven't used it much since the collapse of the Eastern bloc
Polish Advanced Passively Being born and raised close to the Polish border have helped me greatly in understanding the similar Polish language. I understand fully; haven't spoken much
Spanish Beginner Interested I am studying Spanish daily with intention to achieve a fluent level
Language Level Comment
English Fluent I use English on daily basis. It has been my primary means of communication for a number of years by now
Slovak Fluent First Language
Czech Fluent Being born and raised in Czecho-Slovakia, due to the historical reasons to this day I have read more books in Czech than in my native Slovak language
Russian Advanced Studied Russian language extensively for 8 years. I haven't used it much since the collapse of the Eastern bloc
Polish Advanced Being born and raised close to the Polish border have helped me greatly in understanding the similar Polish language. I understand fully; haven't spoken much
Spanish Beginner I am studying Spanish daily with intention to achieve a fluent level